Gemma Lumsdaine – Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week

Gemma Lumsdaine is a GB wheelchair rugby talent player, SDS Tutor, Masters student, SDS YPSP mentor, and recently published author!

We caught up with Gemma and found out more information about her new book – 50 women in sport and the chapter she was involved in writing.

Why do you think a book around women and sport is important?

I think this book is really important as having a book about women’s sport helps to raise the profile and representation of women, particularly women with disabilities in sport. I hope that the stories within this book will show everyone what women and girls are capable of, challenge stereotypes and encourage more women and girls to get active.

How did you get involved with writing this book?

I got approached about writing a chapter on Great Female Paralympians, I was quite shocked as I’ve never done anything like this before but thought it would be a good opportunity to try something new, so I went for it!

What is your favourite part of the book?

Difficult to say…but probably the chapter great female Paralympians which I had the honour of writing.

What was the biggest challenge when writing?

The biggest challenge was definitely staying within the word count, I’m so passionate about the subject that it was hard not to just go on and on!!!

What is your favourite writing drink/snack?

Definitely coffee and lotus biscuits!!

How can we buy the book?

You can buy the book online from any standard book stores e.g. WHSmith.