Disability Sport Fife (DSF) was pleased to welcome the Get Out, Get Active (GOGA) Programme Manager Kat Southwell to Fife along with Ailien Pallot the Scottish Disability Sport GOGA coordinator.
GOGA is an exciting programme that encourages and supports disabled and non disabled people to take part in active recreation. The programme runs for over three years (2016-2019) and Fife is one of 18 selected GOGA localities across the UK. All involved areas have teamed up with an extensive range of partners to help reach individuals of all ages and abilities who have the greatest need to get out and get active. Funded by Spirit of 2012, GOGA in Fife is focused on inspiring some of the UK’s least active people to become involved in regular inclusive physical activity.
Kat was able to observe one of the weekly multi sports sessions at the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre attended by over 50 adults with severe and complex needs plus volunteers and significant others. The session is led by a DSF coach with support from a member of staff from the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust. Registered GOGA participants attend the session and GOGA investment has enabled the employment of an additional coach to cope with the rise in participant numbers.
The GOGA initiative has encouraged DSF to develop a peer mentoring/volunteering programme and five of the new young peer mentors were in action during Kat’s visit to Fife. In any one week these young people are offering up to 40 hours of volunteering for GOGA initiatives. The relationships they have developed with novice GOGA participants with severe and complex needs have contributed greatly to encouraging them to be active on a regular basis.
The photo taken at the end of the visit involves peer mentors Robert, Stephen, Taylor, Adam and Leanne plus new coach Gayle Sloan. Also in the picture with Kat are GOGA in Fife Administrator Pamela Robson and Ailien Pallot from SDS.
Richard Brickley MBE
President, Disability Sport Fife
GOGA in Fife Lead