Disability Sport Fife (DSF) considers Badminton Scotland a major Scottish Governing Body partner in the delivery of quality sports experiences for junior participants with additional support needs. With support from the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust, Active Schools, Glenrothes HS Sports Leaders and Jane Russell from Badminton Scotland a very successful Badminton Festival was held at the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre. The Festival was held to raise awareness of the World Badminton Championships that will be held in Glasgow in August 2017.
Pupils from Balwearie HS and Lochgelly HS signed up for the Festival. A full two hour programme of badminton skills and activities coordinated by Jane and delivered by the young Glenrothes HS Sports Leaders was enjoyed by all the Festival participants. Activities were varied and maintained participant interest for the duration of the Festival. The final session of the Festival involved match play with Sports Leaders fully involved as umpires.
Badminton is a priority sport for Disability Sport Fife and its many members. The original inspiration was the late Russell Hogg from Badminton Scotland and Scottish Disability Sport. Jane Russell has sustained the promotion of the sport with workshops for coaches and Festivals for participants. DSF coaches Alex Bird and Julie Hogg lead evening and afternoon sessions in Glenrothes and Cowdenbeath for players with additional support needs and the DSF Badminton Championships attract an entry now of almost 60 players. Badminton in Fife has never been more popular.
The Festival ended with the presentation of achievement certificates to participants and sports leaders. The 2017 World Championships were the catalyst for the Festival but there is no doubt that the enthusiasm of the GHS Sports Leaders and the quality of their coaching inspired the participant pupils. Well done to the pupils and staff from the three participating Fife High Schools.
Richard Brickley MBE
President, Disability Sport Fife