Disability Sport Fife (DSF) has teamed up with Badminton Scotland to organise a “Big Hit” Festival on Friday 11 November at the Michael Woods Sports & Leisure Centre in Glenrothes. Registration forms have been circulated to schools across Fife to encourage the participation of participants with additional sports needs of secondary school age.
DSF has a long association of partnership working with Badminton Scotland with leader workshops supported by the Big Lottery being one of the most successful initiatives. Glasgow will host the 2017 World Badminton Championships and part of the aim of the Festival will be to highlight this great event.
Badminton Scotland will provide two hours of quality coaching for participants between 10.00 and 12.00 hrs on November 11th. Expected participants will be pupils who have already been exposed to badminton teaching and/or coaching within school time or as part of the DSF sessions programme. Pupils of all levels of ability are welcome. The Festival is free to all participants. Badminton is now a major part of the sessions and events programme in Fife and this opportunity will be of particular interest to pupils already involved.
DSF is also delighted to announce the addition of a new coach led badminton session to the DSF weekly programme on Tuesday afternoons at Cowdenbeath Leisure Centre between 14 30 and 15 30. Experienced badminton coach Julie Hogg has joined the DSF coaching team and will lead the session. DSF is delighted that Julie has agreed to join Alex Bird and Euan Bell as DSF badminton coaches. Potential participants should register their interest with Richard or Norma in the DSF office.
DSF is particularly grateful to Jane Russell of Badminton Scotland who has been very involved with recent partnership initiatives with DSF. Jane and the DSF President met recently at the DSF office to finalise the Big Hit Festival arrangements.
Richard Brickley, MBE
President, Disability Sport Fife