A series of GOGA in Fife Action for Change initiatives has led to developments in the sport of bowls that have surpassed all expectations. A partnership in Glenrothes started when Mike and Joan Mowatt from Dovecote BC attended an introduction to inclusive coaching workshop promoted by Disability Sport Fife. The rest is history.
The workshop coincided with the launch of GOGA in Fife in 2017, supported by Spirit of 2012. One of the first Action for Change initiatives was set up at the Dovecot club. Mike, as the club coach, was very receptive to setting up club sessions at the club for learners with additional support needs. GOGA in Fife identified potential participants and within no time at all a group of players was training and playing with club members throughout the week.
GOGA in Fife’s earliest interventions centred on accessing equipment, clothing and assisting with the cost of memberships. The GOGA in Fife financial input was modest but the overall return in respect of inclusive practice was massive. The Dovecot Club even had parents, girl friends and wives signing up to join the fun and excitement. At the start of this bowls season thirteen bowlers who had benefited from the Action for Change initiative had taken out club memberships and are now full members enjoying everything that an inclusive bowls club has to offer.
The attached picture is of the Dovecot BC A team before their involvement in the Bennie cup at Thornton BC. The team was skipped by Lloyd Simpson, with Joe Watt leading, Robert Anderson second and Mike Mowat in third. Lloyd and Robert graduated through the GOGA in Fife Action for Change to secure places in the Dovecot team. I am told that it was a great team effort on the night although the Dovecot club finished a distant second in very wet conditions.
This performance followed a fine performance by Dovecot Park BC at the three counties championships at Bankfoot in Perthshire. The rink was once again skipped by Lloyd Simpson, with Robert Anderson lead, Sandy Allan second and Mike Mowat third. The Dovecot rink was ahead all match only to get a draw at the last end against a top Buckhaven team. Sandy is also a player who has progressed though the GOGA in Fife Action for Change initiative.
On the last Wemyss league game of the season, the three Dovecot BC rinks played against Kennoway BC and one rink had Lloyd as skip, Sandy leading, Robert second and Steven Anderson third. All members of this rink are GOGA in Fife supported players and they lost by only two shots. A remarkable outcome for a squad of players who are relative newcomers to the sport. It is amazing what can be achieved when club members like those at Dovecot BC can be so inclusive in ethos and practice.
The Dovecot BC members hope to continue and even expand their commitment to inclusive practice next season. “We are so proud of the players and there are some in time who will be a force to be reckoned with in mainstream bowls. Next season we are looking to have them play in Scottish, Fife and Wemyss league bowling.” said Mike Mowatt the man who started the ball rolling.
Thank you Dovecot BC members for supporting our bowlers and well done bowlers on your excellent season to date.
Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chair DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees