41st AGM and Awards Evening of Disability Sport Fife (SCIO)
The final photograph taken by Rebecca Lee captured the atmosphere of the occasion and the significance of the Awards Evening to so many athletes, players, coaches and volunteers associated with Disability Sport Fife (DSF). The evening was supported by the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust.
The Provost of Fife, Councillor Jim Leishman MBE, was the guest of honour at the 41st AGM and Awards Evening of DSF. The Provost was ably assisted by Janice Eaglesham MBE, Chair of Scottish Disability Sport Sport and Oonagh Aitken Chief Executive Officer of Volunteering Matters with the presentation of awards to successful recipients. Caroline Baird MBE and Kerry Hick also assisted with individual presentations.
Disability Sport Fife is indebted to the delegates who turned out in significant numbers to support the event. Over the next few weeks information will be shared about the evening but many thanks to Rebecca for producing such a quality photo within a few hours of the event finishing.
Richard Brickley MBE – President Disability Sport Fife