Disability Sport Fife and GOGA in Fife coaches/volunteers attended the first International Symposium on Physical Activity and Visual Impairment or Deafblindness held at Edinburgh University last weekend.
The Symposium was hosted by Professor John Ravenscroft (Edinburgh University), Professor Lauren Lieberman (Brockport, New York University) and Professor Pamela Haibach-Beach (Brockport, New York University). The Symposium was attended by professionals from all over the world including Japan, USA, New Zealand, Finland, Canada and Hungary to name but a few.
The weekend programme consisted of presentations and practical workshops from a wide variety of presenters. Topics included adapting blind sports, self advocacy, challenging perceptions of physical education for pupils with disabilities and motor development. Delegates were offered the opportunity to try sports including blind tennis, football, cricket, warm up ideas and guide running.
A highlight of the Symposium was hearing from Erik Weihenmayer via video link. Erik is the only blind person to climb Mount Everest and then go on to climb all of the seven summits. He is an inspirational man who advocates a ‘no barriers life’.
Pamela and Gayle came away from the weekend completely inspired by the presenters and delegates who attended the Symposium. They were massively influenced by the challenges blind people have to overcome and the courage they demonstrate on a daily basis.
Pamela and Gayle have returned to Fife with a host of new ideas, practical hints and tips that they can apply to their coach led sessions. They are confident their learning will benefit many Fife athletes and not only those with a visual impairment. What was also important was that they gained confidence and reassurance that their current practice in Fife is on the right lines and compatible with key messages over the weekend.
Pamela and Gayle are indebted to the following agencies for supporting their attendance at this unique Symposium in Scotland. Fife Council, Fife Disabled Sports Trust, GOGA in Fife and Disability Sport Fife.
The Trustees of Disability Sport Fife (SCIO) are indebted to Pamela and Gayle for giving up so much of their leisure and family time to advance their learning for the benefit of DSF members and significant others.
Richard Brickley MBE – Chairmam DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees