Central Parasport Festival – Deadline Extended

The deadline for the upcoming Central Parasport Festival 2018 has been extended to 15th October 2018.

Date:   Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Time:  10.00am – 3pm (9:30am arrival and registration)

Venue: Grangemouth Sports Complex, FK3 9JB

This festival is targeting pupils within a mainstream school setting in the Central area, with a physical, visual or hearing disability aged between P1 – S6. The key outcome of the event is to provide a multisport opportunity to these pupils, identify talented individuals within specific sports, alongside channelling pupils onto local, regional clubs/ programmes. With a wide range of new sports on offer we would like to welcome back all pupils who have attended in the past, alongside engaging new pupils to attend for their first experience. We will also have performance athletes attend on the day for an inspiring Q and A session.  Please see promotional video from East Parasport festival by clicking on the link   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AzP4sztaDY.

Booking information

Please see and complete the Central Parasport Application form attached or online at https://www.cognitoforms.com/ScottishDisabilitySport/CentralScotlandParaSportFestival2018  with a closing date of Tuesday 2nd October 2018 (forms requested to be returned directly to Cheryl Lappin – Central SDS RDM).

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about the event or disability sport in Central Scotland, please contact:

Cheryl Lappin SDS Regional Development Manager for Central Scotland on cheryl.lappin@scottishdisabilitysport.com / Phone: 07577830360

Para Sport Festival 2018 – Event Information