This guidance is being produced to support athletes, participants with a disability, SDS Branches, coaches, volunteers and staff on Phase 3 of the return of outdoor sport and recreation in Scotland.
To prevent spread of the virus, please follow the FACTS:
Face coverings
Avoid crowded places
Clean hands regularly
Two metre distance
Self-isolate and book a test if you have symptoms
IMPORTANT: People who are symptomatic should self-isolate for 10 days; household members for 14 days as per info on NHS guidance. No one who is self-isolating should attend a sports facility/activity.
Some sporting activities can now be undertaken, providing all activity is consistent with current Scottish Government guidance on health, physical distancing and hygiene – you will also need to make sure that your club, facility and participants are made aware and can adapt to changes in guidance at short notice. Information on Scottish Governments approach to managing covid-19 is available at Scottish Government: Coronavirus in Scotland
Should a return to sport be possible for your sport during phase 3 in line with government and your sport specific Scottish Governing Body guidelines. Further guidance will be available from your mainstream Scottish Governing Body to advise you on the implications for your individual sport. For further information on sportscotland’s guidance on  Phase 3: return to sport and physical activity click here and Scottish Governing Bodies guidance click here
Coaching: The cap on the number of households a coach can work with in a day is removed (currently four), subject to any sport-specific guidance. Limits on size and number of households in a group that a coach can work with at any one time remain. (Scottish Government are considering a date for relaxing restrictions of size of groups that can be coached at one time, but no date or detail given at this stage.)
Guidance for coaches, leaders, personal trainers, and instructors is available at Getting Coaches Ready for Sport
For the sport of boccia there will be no return to clubs, sessions or any other form of coaching or competition for the foreseeable future due to indoor facilities remaining closed. SDS will publish further updates and guidance as they are announced.
People who are shielding are permitted to undertake activities providing strict physical distancing is adhered to. The advice is  highlighted in a separate Route Map. The advice to people is to continue to strictly follow the guidelines on physical distancing, handwashing, surface cleaning and respiratory hygiene guidance on the NHS Inform website.
Branches clubs, sessions and participants should be aware that the current position is that the Scottish Government intends to announce the opening of indoor facilities from 14 September, however this may change. The next First Minister’s announcement will take place 20 August.
SGBs, clubs and participants should be aware that the easing of restrictions does not mean that all facilities/venues will open immediately. Owners and operators will require time to consider all the implications of opening facilities/venues and put plans in place to re-engage staff and to set up operations that ensure the safety of participants, staff and volunteers. This is a difficult time for everyone so please be patient.
SDS key messages for the return to sport and recreation in Phase 3.
- This guidance relates only to sport and recreation in Scotland
- Only outdoor sport and physical activity should be undertaken at this time with all indoor exercise and changing areas remaining closed until 14 September
- Outdoor non-contact open sport competition for adults and outdoor contact open sports competition for children can take place from 6th August 2020 where the following guidance is followed; .
- For adults 5 households (or extended households) (maximum of 15 people) can combine to essentially create a ‘competition bubble’ as long as physical distancing measures are maintained. Competition organisers should ensure no two ‘bubbles’ come into contact with each other at any time throughout the day. This may be achieved with staggered starts etc.
- All sports organisations/venue operators providing such competitions must abide by relevant SGB guidance and have a named ‘Covid Officer’
- Physical distancing in line with Scottish Government guidelines must be in place before and after a competition takes place
- Organised and sanctioned SGB outdoor competitions must take place behind closed doors;
- With only competitors and essential competition staff in attendance
- no spectators
- no family members (except for parents or guardians of children or vulnerable adults)
- a register of all attendees should be maintained
- travel to and from competition must not mix households i.e. no car sharing.
- For further details please refer to sportscotland’s guidance here
- Face coverings: Mandatory (with limited exceptions) on public transport and in shops
- Outdoors – a household can meet up to 4 other households at a time – up to 15 people in total
- Total contact per day outdoors: for adults, total contacts per day should be with a maximum of 4 other households. For under 18s there is no limit on total number of households per day
- Children: Children 11 years or younger are not required to physically distance indoor or outdoor
- Children’s sport: Organised outdoor contact sports, play and physical activity has resumed from Monday 13 July for young people under 18 (subject to guidance)
- Be kind, friendly and considerate to everyone you meet
- Follow Public Health guidelines for hygiene
- Any branch or club activity must be in accordance with the guidelines provided
- Exercise well within your capabilities
Our priority remains to protect the health of our coaches, volunteers, athletes, participant, staff and the wider community and help to suppress the spread of the Covid-19 virus. We should all continue to follow the government’s and public health guidelines.