Category: Regional News

The Jets Swim Team

SDS is delighted to be able to thank some great people in Volunteers Week, 1-7 June. Over this week SDS will be highlighting volunteers who contribute so much to making sport happen at a local, regional and national level. Today the spotlight is on coaches who provide so many opportunities and are staying connected with participants in different and creative ways during lockdown and the phased return to sport. Today SDS is shining the spotlight on The Jets Swim Team.

The Jets Swim Team based in Kilmarnock was originally set up in 1987 as a branch of Sports for Special Needs, which was set up as a referral rehabilitation programme providing dryside and aquatic activities.  To begin with the numbers were low, however over the years the numbers increased vastly and the club now caters for around 50 children, young people and adults who have a learning, physical or sensory impairment.

Joan O’Sullivan primarily got involved with the club through her role as facility manager of the centre used by the Jets Swim Team and gave advice and assistance in the running of their annual swimming gala.  However, 18 years ago she was approached to ‘help out’ as there were concerns over the sustainability of the club due to lack of knowledge and volunteers to provide the roles required.  Joan initially agreed to volunteer for 3-4 months to help them get back on track, but nearly 19 years on she is still volunteering and loving every minute.

Joan volunteers as the Head Coach and Secretary, but also leads on Health & Safety and Training & Development for the club and volunteers.  At present there are 23 volunteers who have various roles within the club:

  • Committee member
  • Coach
  • Swimming teachers
  • Poolside assistants
  • In water aquatics helpers
  • Student Volunteers

The volunteers are heavily supported through an induction process, shadowing experienced coaches/teachers, training and development courses, to name a few, which enables them to thrive and enhance their skills.  Additionally, some of the club swimmers are now volunteering with the younger swimmers, which greatly increases their confidence.

Through the support of the volunteers in the club, all members gain more than just swimming experiences.  The Jets is a very family orientated club and run various social events throughout the year to bring everyone together which is greatly appreciated by all the members.

Below is a quote from a parent from the club:

“We are very lucky at The Jets Swim Team to have some of the friendliest, helpful, flexible and dedicated volunteers around.  From our head coach, swimming coaches, trainee coaches, poolside helpers, in-pool assistants, committee , parent helpers and fundraisers, we are a team, we are a family.  Week after week, month after month every single volunteer shows up and is there to support our swimmers.  They give up their time and we as parents and guardians are so very grateful.”

Lastly, to sum up if anyone is thinking about volunteering here is a quote from Joan:

“If anyone is thinking about becoming a volunteer, irrespective of where you want to volunteer, I would advise to go for it.  You will find it is the best experience ever!  If you go in with an open mind and absorb as much of the journey as possible, those who you are helping with not only gain from you, you will receive emotional rewards tenfold back.”

Joan O’Sullivan, The Jets Swim Team

Walk buddies make all the difference

I have just heard that Disability Sport Fife coach Lucy Walkup teamed up with Robert Anderson during the week for a walk and catch up during lock down. They live quite close to one another in Glenrothes. They managed an 8K walk and talk that did the both of them a power of good. Robert passes on best wishes to all his friends who attend DSF sessions and asked me to say how much he is missing everybody.

Lucy is managing about 60K per week plus HIIT sessions and is pleased that she has managed to sustain a regular physical activity regime during lock down. Lucy is missing all the swimmers she works with at Carnegie Swimming Club and all the DSF members she coaches on Monday evening and Thursday morning at multi sports. As a university physical education undergraduate she is kept busy but she thoroughly enjoys teaching and coaching in the community.

Disability Sport Fife is so pleased to have Lucy on board as a member of our leadership team. As a participant she was hugely supportive of DSF activities and would never turn down the opportunity to represent Team Fife in a swimming gala. Lucy’s career as a GB swimmer included distinguished Deaflympics representation. Just the kind of pedigree you expect for the walk buddy of Fife’s most committed peer mentor volunteer, Robert Anderson.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees

Fife athlete cannot wait until sessions are up and running again

Eric Boyle is a regular at the Thursday Multi-Sports session at Michael Woods Sports & Leisure Centre. Eric is supported by Scottish Autism staff and for many years now has enjoyed the sessions immensely.

In 2015 Eric joined the Tuesday evening run, jump, and throws sessions at Pitreavie Athletics Centre and settled in quickly. He enjoys meeting up with former school friends and of course his dad Tony who is there supporting West Fife Community Support Services participants. Tony is a Scottish Athletics qualified coach and proud to be involved with Disability Sport Fife.

The Tuesday session involves fewer athletes than Thursdays and Eric has benefitted from being in the smaller group. Always eager to please Eric participates in the warm up and cool down at the start and end of the sessions. Because the group is smaller Eric has time to observe the coach and copy different exercises like walking on tip toes, walking on heels, ‘Raith Rovers’ etc

Eric has enjoyed all aspects of the programme, but his favourite activity has always been running and over the years he has won a few medals. Unfortunately, deterioration in Eric’s health meant that he is no longer able or allowed to run. It was difficult for Eric initially to walk instead of run, especially during the warm because he knew that jogging is an important component. With constant reinforcement Eric has accepted the “must walk” rule and we are all so proud of him. Coaches Pamela and Gayle always remind Eric about the walking rule and reinforce the message with a little signing.

In the standing long jump Eric seemed unable to jump forwards either going up and down or up and backwards. A jumping practice activity from one mat to another offered Eric a clear visual of where to jump to and through time he mastered jumping forward. When it was suggested a mat go in the sand Eric was able to aim for that successfully and eventually over a line drawn in the sand – what progress! Eric had learned how to jump forwards and be measured, enough for him to be entered into the standing long jump. One evening in the chip shop Eric saw two mats and with the biggest cheesiest grin Eric took his place and jumped from one mat to the other. He was so pleased with himself.

As part of the warm up, the group walk around the circuit and Eric enjoys this immensely. During the holiday breaks when Tuesday sessions are off Eric chooses to go to Ballast Bank and walk round the circuit there. As Eric is no longer allowed to run, he puts more effort into walking. He has improved his skill and speed so much and in 2019 he moved up a classification section to compete against more experienced opponents.

Eric has improved a range of sports skills on Tuesdays and this has impacted on many aspects of his life:

  • Queueing, paying, getting his receipt (leisure centre staff very patient and interact well)
  • Turn taking
  • Resting
  • Listening to instructions
  • Watching demonstrations
  • Changing routines and activities
  • Working with his peers
  • Communicating with service users/West Fife staff and DSF staff and volunteers.

These are all vital skills and Eric has been able to transfer these to other situations including the Thursday Multi-Sports as well as during time with his nephew and neice.

Eric received DSF kit for his birthday and he proudly wears it to the sessions. In the photo with his nephew Matthew he is seen wearing his DSF top. Eric contributes so much to the sessions in Glenrothes and Dunfermline and at the same time gets so much from them. SA staff support is always of the highest order and he has an incredibly strong family team behind him. Eric is a really sociable young man and a very valued member of Disability Sport Fife.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees

Young Fife swimmer is taken to the prom

Teenager Katie Pake from Coaltown of Balgonie is a member of Carnegie Swimming Club and a real prospect in Para swimming. Early on I posted videos of Katie training outdoors during lockdown and more recently she was caught in camera in her back garden plastic pool using resistance bands. This young all action girl is always on the go and always being encouraged and supported by parents Carol and Grant. Katy is a pupil at Auchmuty High School and passionate about football in addition to all her other interests.

Katie’s first love is swimming but she also thoroughly enjoys training in a racing wheelchair. A couple of weeks ago I featured Katie with coach Pamela Robson at her first training session at Pitreavie Athletics Centre. Katie and Pamela were tentative for different reasons. Pamela realised early on that Katie does not hold back and she used resistance bands to keep her safe and under control.

Compare that session with Katie’s most recent training session on the prom at Kirkcaldy. The progress she has made is amazing considering how few sessions she has experienced to date. The wheelchair Katie is using is from DSF stock and not exactly fit for purpose. However this has in no way affected Katie’s commitment to the task in hand. Disability Sport Fife has always encouraged cross training and there are several Paralympians who have spent time in a racing wheelchair with very positive swimming outcomes.

Well done Katie and thank you parents for setting up this short video.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustee

Rebecca Lee out and about in the Bay taking photos and raising money for charity

Who else could have taken this photo but our own Rebecca Lee who was out and about in Dalgety Bay capturing local residents on camera? Rebecca’s project is entitled “the Lockdown Family” and just by chance she manged to take this excellent photo of Disability Sport Fife member Kirsty Brunton and family. The Bruntons were as usual out and about and active safely.

Rebecca refers to “doorstep family photos” that mark this historic period in all our lives. Not surprisingly she was at least two metres away from all her subjects and as well as helping her get back into the swing of taking photos, she was raising money for the Trussel Trust and SAMH. Rebecca took no fee but asked for a donation that would be split between the two charities.

Rebecca is a four times Commonwealth Games Team Scotland photographer and a winner of several major awards. She was a Team GB photographer at the London Paralympic Games and LensCulture International Portrait Award Winner in 2015.

Excellent initiative Rebecca and thank you for photographing one of Disability Sport Fife’s very talented all-round sportswomen and her devoted family.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees

Young Fife boccia player remembers a very special coaching day

Tyler McLelland from Windygates remembers with great fondness the coaching sessions he thoroughly enjoyed from fellow Scot Stephen McGuire who is one of the leading BC4 boccia players in the world. Tyler also competes in the BC4 class and looks up to Stephen and all that he has achieved in the sport as Scotland’s most successful male boccia player. Tyler is on his personal journey in the sport, having been invited to join the Scottish squad last year for the first time.

The photo was taken on the competition court in the Michael Woods Sports & Leisure Centre where the coaching sessions took place. Tyler also has a competition court at Auchmuty HS where he is a pupil. The court was laid with the full support of the PT Ally Jack and staff team in the PE Department. Tyler has been organising recreational boccia sessions within school time for fellow pupils.

Tyler is an a mission to follow in the footsteps of Kieran Steer from Crossgates who was a member of Team GB at the Paralympic Games in Rio in 2016. Both players are members of Scottish Boccia and the national squad.

Parents Mark and Emma are fully involved with Tyler on his journey and mum Emma is Tyler’s official coach. Some years ago the Order of St John Fife paid for a new set of boccia balls for Tyler from Spain to add to the set already provided by DSF. This equipment completely transformed Tyler’s accuracy and consistency. Best wishes to Tyler and of course Kieran in the months and years ahead.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees

Young Fife athlete raises £300 for Fairway Fife

Last week I reported that DSF athlete/swimmer Calum Robertson was planning to complete a marathon in three days and raise funds for Fairway Fife.

This week I can report that this very popular former Balwearie HS pupil has successfully completed his marathon attempt over three days in daily times as follows:

Day 1 9.08 miles

Day 2 11.5 miles

Day 3 7.93 miles

Total of 28.5 miles

Congratulations to Callum who has currently raised over £300 for Fairway Fife.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees

We are all committed to regular walking – are you?

During the life of GOGA in Fife supported by Spirit of 2012, this group of DSF members became committed to regular walking. They also committed to using their pedometers, sometimes walking poles and most importantly recorded their daily totals.

Thank you to Active Fife and Bums off Seats specifically plus Paths for All for helping GOGA in Fife with the walking initiative. Walking is very firmly on the Disability Sport Fife programme now and after lockdown we shall be organising another series of GOGA Walks in the Park that were such a success last year.

During lockdown please try to walk whenever you can. No need to travel far to have a walk but remember the rules of social distancing. Stay home, stay safe but stay active.

Richard brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees

Young Fife athlete staying home and staying active

DSF athletics coach Pamela Robson heard yesterday from young Dylan Hassan’s grandad and mum that Dylan is over the moon with his new KMX trike. He has not stopped smiling since it arrived and he is determined he is going to be active and often. The whole family is having such fun.

Dylan is a member of the Thursday DSF run, jump and throws session for juniors at Pitreavie Athletics Centre supported by Fife Sports and Leisure Gym. GOGA in Fife supported by Spirit of 2012 identified adapted cycling as one of its core active recreation sessions. With brilliant facilities like Lochore Meadows Country Park and Fife Cycle Park plus Fife’s amazing parks there are plenty of settings to push and pedal. Kirsty Brunton and Ken De Soyza have been leading the way in encouraging recumbent cycling for several years now.

Best wishes Dylan with your new “mean machine”. We look forward to seeing you in action on video at some time in the future. Dylan is yet another Fife youngster to share a good news story about being active in Fife during lockdown. The family are of course staying safe at all times.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of charity Trustees

Paddling experience never to be forgotten

Last year Disability Sport Fife was honoured to be involved in an inclusive paddling project at Lochore Meadows Country Park. Our partners were Fife Canoe Activities Group FCAG, Scottish Canoe Association, Scottish Disability Sport and of course Lochore Meadows Country Park. The aim was to create a video that promoted inclusive paddling and that video has now been viewed extensively and hopefully will encourage disabled participants of all abilities to take to the water.

Four Disability Sport Fife members were key to the success of the video and promoting the case for inclusive paddling. Lara Ferguson, Kirsty Brunton, Carter Taylor and Graham McIntyre were the DSF stars of the project. All progressed significantly as a result of the training sessions on the water at the Meadows. FCAG club members could not have been any more patient, innovative, skilled and receptive to the objectives of the project. The video will hopefully inspire others to approach the club and head for the Meadows after lock down. Being outdoors on the water in the Kingdom is very special. On our doorstep we have some of the best and most welcoming facilities on the planet.

Inclusive paddling is here to stay in Fife and the Fife Canoe Activities Group is leading the way with the Scottish Canoe Association.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees