Category: Disability Sport Week

Scottish Sports Futures

Scottish Sports Futures use the power of sport and physical activity to engage with young people in Scotland and empower them to be confident, healthy, and happy. We work to combat the effects of living in poverty and buffer against trauma and adversity, embedding a person centred, trauma informed approach to our delivery.

Focused in the most challenged communities, we are privileged to work alongside exceptional young people and support them to reach a positive destination. We do this using our proven and recognised Sport for Change model and its range of person-centred, youth-led programmes that provide positive experiences, inspiring role models, engaging social education, training, and youth volunteering opportunities.

Facebook: Scottish Sports Futures

X/Twitter: @SSF_2000

Instagram: @scottishsportsfutures

Contact: Neal Herbert, Regional Manager (East Central), / 07598 580 515

Motorcycle Sport Scotland

The Scottish Auto Cycle Union (SACU) is the National Governing Body for motorcycle sport in Scotland. The SACU develops and promotes a number of motorcycle disciplines including: Road Race (inclusive of Sidecars), Trials, Off Road Speed (Motocross, Enduro, Quads and Supermoto) and Bike Trials (non-motorised).

Our mission is to be accessible to all demographics and socioeconomic backgrounds by working with clubs and key partners to reduce real and perceived participation barriers. We will offer opportunities which are safe and enjoyable leading to lifelong, fulfilling experiences and success in motorcycle sport.

Facebook: ScottishACU

X/Twitter: @scottish_ACU

Instagram: @scottish_acu

Contact: Gillian Sefton, COO, / 07468 481 757

Scottish Gymnastics

Scottish Gymnastics is the national governing body of gymnastics in Scotland. Our vision is an uplifting gymnastics experience for all. We live by the shared values of inclusive, supportive, and aspirational to ensure that gymnastics is enjoyable, safe, and open to everyone.

Scottish Gymnastics has a membership of around 160 clubs and 30,000 gymnasts, coaches and officials. We are responsible for the governance and development of gymnastics across Scotland, supported by our principal funding partner sportscotland and other partners and sponsors.

Facebook: ScottishGymnastics

X/Twitter: @ScotGymnastics

Instagram: @scotgymstagram


LinkedIn: scottish-gymnastics

Scottish Club Sport

Scottish ClubSport, previously the Scottish Association of Local Sports Councils (SALSC) was founded in 1978.

Scottish ClubSport (SCS) is the umbrella body for ClubSport networks and Sports Councils across Scotland, representing a current membership of 32 with a combined total of over 2,000 community sport clubs and organisations (with 250,000+ individuals) from more than 65 different sports.

The aim of Scottish ClubSport is to bring ClubSport Networks and Sports Councils together to deliver an outstanding support system across Scotland.

Scottish Canoe Association

The Scottish Canoe Association is the Governing Body for Paddlesport in Scotland. We are a membership organisation comprising 4,000 individual members including over 2,300 qualified coaches, and have a network of affiliated clubs and delivery partners offering a range of paddlesport disciplines.

We believe that paddlesport is something that everyone should be able to enjoy regardless of background or circumstances. We want to make the sport more accessible and are working to remove real and perceived barriers that prevent people taking up and flourishing in our sport. We are actively collaborating with other organisations that share our vision as we work towards our goal of making paddlesport more inclusive and for everyone to feel it is something that they can engage with on a lifelong basis.

Facebook: ScottishCanoeAssociation

X/Twitter: @scottishcanoe

Instagram: @scottishcanoe

Contact: Louisa Arbuckle,

Live Active Sport

Our Sports Development Team at Live Active Sport work to promote recruitment, participation and performance in all aspects of sport within Perth and Kinross. This includes those playing, coaching, refereeing, managing and volunteering. We do this by working together in partnership with local sports clubs, volunteers, national governing bodies and leisure providers in a wide range of projects.

Facebook: LALSportsDevelopment

X/Twitter: lal_sport


Triathlon Scotland

Triathlon Scotland is the national governing body for triathlon in Scotland. Our vision is to inspire great experiences through swim, bike and run. Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of everything we do. We act according to our shared values – we love people, we are ambitious, we are inclusive, and we do what’s right.

Triathlon Scotland has 2466 members and 56 affiliated clubs. We strive to be a voice for our members and affiliated clubs, and are responsible for the overall governance and development of the sport.

Snowsport Scotland

As the national governing body for snowsports in Scotland, Snowsport Scotland (SSS) is wholly committed to the development of great places, increasing participation at all levels, delivering excellent performance pathways, and providing an effective snowsports education system that supports the development of recreational participants and the snowsports workforce.

We work with the snowsport community to: support and develop high-quality sustainable facilities and clubs to increase accessibility and meet the needs of all recreational participants and the performance pathways; increase participation with specific focus on equality, diversity and inclusion; deliver an effective education system that supports all; and deliver accessible performance pathways for each discipline that develop and prepare athletes to reach their potential.

Facebook: snowsportscotland

Instagram: snowsport_scot

Contact (Para Nordic):

Contact (Para Snowboard):

Contact (Para Alpine):

Scottish Archery

Scottish Archery is an association of members within archery clubs and direct members across Scotland. We work together to develop archery and make it an accessible and enjoyable sport with opportunities for everyone to reach their individual potential, whether as a competitor or in a volunteer role.

We receive support and funding from sportscotland and Archery GB and work with other Scottish bodies to help further the sport in Scotland. We are a Home Nation within Archery GB.

Our vision is Making Sport Limitless and our mission is to make sure everyone can take part in archery in a safe and fun environment, with opportunities to reach their potential.

