On Thursday 7 June 2018 Scottish Disability Sport, in partnership with sportscotland, hosted the Better Movers & Thinkers and Bilateral Integration Workshop through the SDS National Coach Development Programme. The workshop was a huge success hosted in the Central region at Grangemouth High School. We were very fortunate to have the esteemed Dr Andrew Dalziell tutoring the workshop and sharing his knowledge and expertise in this field to coaches and volunteers from across the country .
Key Outcomes from this workshop included:
- Â The importance of developmental factors in athlete performance.
- The impact that developmental factors can have on athlete’s performance
- The importance of Executive Function Skills (EFs) to everyday life
- Practical workshop demonstrating physical intervention exercises that can aid performance
With the ongoing success of the SDS National Coach Development Programme and the video conferencing links, Cheryl Lappin (Scottish Disability Sport RDM), Heather Lowden (Scottish Disability Sport Coaching and Education Manager) and the SDS regional team will be hosting additional disability specific workshops throughout 2018 – 2019. Details will be circulated in the coming months.
To find out more information on SDS Coach Development Programme or disability sport in Central Scotland, please contact: Cheryl Lappin – cheryl.lappin@scottishdisabilitysport.com / Phone: 07577 830360.