Disability Sport Fife values the very special relationship it enjoys with Glenrothes Strollers Football Club. DSF refers interested adults to the football club that is located directly across from the DSF office in the Michael Woods Sports & Leisure Centre. Working with DSF and GOGA in Fife, the Strollers have set up a junior session on Tuesday evenings with support from Fife Sports and Leisure Trust. The partnership has never been stronger.
Until very recently Barry Christie has been the DSF contact coach at Glenrothes Strollers. Barry has recently moved on and DSF would like to pay tribute to all the excellent work he has done in strengthening the partnership and moving Para football forward considerably. Thank you for your friendship, support, expertise and passion for football. We congratulate you on your efforts in growing the club and all recent successes in all competitions. We shall miss you Barry.
As we say farewell to Barry and pay tribute to his achievements we welcome new Para football coach Gregor Rodger. I have already had a very useful meeting with Gregor and I am confident our respective organisations will move forward together in promoting community inclusive Para football. All the very best Gregor in your new post.
Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees
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