Archery GB is the recognised Governing Body for archery in the UK. It has a rapidly growing membership, a full calendar of competitions up and down the country, a strong volunteer workforce and over 1,000 clubs supported through a county and regional structure. Employees based in Lilleshall, Shropshire, provide membership services, help clubs to develop, deliver talent pathways and support our performance teams and archers. At a European and World level, our archers regularly win medals – both youth and senior and also able-bodied and disabled. Archery was seen as one of the most outstanding spectator experiences at the Olympics in 2012 and the European Championships was successfully held in the UK in 2016.
Following a governance review, Archery GB has moved from an executive Board to a strategic skills-based Board. It is seeking to recruit two additional Independent Directors (from without its membership) to lead on Nomination and Audit & Risk. You will be part of four Independent Directors, eight other Elected Directors (from within the membership) and the Chief Executive who form the Board.
Job Description
A full job description is available at http://www.archerygb.org/documents_governance.php in the Vacancies folder.
How to apply
Please send your CV and letter of application by email to nominations@archerygb.org  stating your area or areas of interest (Nominations and/or Audit & Risk). Requests for informal/confidential discussions can also be sent to this email address.
Important Dates
Closing Date:Â 22 August 2016
Interview Date:Â 3 September 2016, Central London
Archery GB is the trading name of the Grand National Archery Society, a company limited by guarantee no. 1342150 Registered in England. |