On Saturday 9th September a very successful Wheelchair Curling Talent ID Day was held in partnership with British Curling, Scottish Disability Sport and the Royal Caledonian Curling Club.
The athletes were able to enjoy the fresh new surroundings of the National Curling Academy in Stirling. The purpose of the day was to find active athletes from other sports who were looking for a new challenge.
Although numbers were fairly low, athletes enjoyed a presentation from Sheila Swan, Head Coach of the British Wheelchair Paralympic Team covering the aim of the game and various adaptations available, as well as the programme pathway to the Paralympics. Â This was followed by some expert coaching from Sheila and Tom Killin, Assistant Coach to the British team and multi Paralympic medal winner.
Every athlete was able to achieve success, with Sheila’s creative thinking finding solutions where required to help. Some athletes were wrapped up warmly for their on ice session whilst others were keen to show how well they could cope with the cold!
Sheila was delighted with the commitment and progress shown in just a short time and is looking to work further with some of the athletes. With the Winter Paralympic Games approaching, we are hoping for an increased interest in wheelchair curling, from grass roots to those with the potential to progress all the way. Any active athletes who are still keen to be considered for wheelchair curling but could not make it to the day, and have a realistic chance of being classified are asked to contact Sheila Swan directly using the details below. For those who just want to have a go at trying wheelchair curling, there are many dedicated clubs around the country, and information can be found on the Curling Factsheet.
sportscotland Institute of Sport
Sheila Swan
T: 07917 183 414
E:Â sheila.swan@sisport.com
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