Month: July 2024

Group photo of the blue team from the SDS Summer Camp 2024, with their trophy. They are standing together, outside.

YPSP Member Shares Their Summer Camp Experience

By Dana Brand, Young Person’s Sport Panel member 

At the start of July, I had the pleasure of volunteering at the annual SDS Summer Camp at Badaguish. As this was something completely out of my comfort zone, I really couldn’t have predicated how amazing this experience would be.

Volunteers arrived the day before participants. Everyone was incredibly welcoming, and we all got stuck in to preparing for the week ahead. Later that evening, we had a rundown of the weeks plans before a lovely dinner and heading to bed!

Bright and breezy on the Wednesday morning, chef Andy prepared a lovely cooked breaky before a jam-packed day of amazing activities! I had the joy of standing in the pouring rain with Gillian to welcome parents and their children to the camp. After everyone arrived, we jumped straight into a hearty lunch of pizza and pasta. Campers were then divided into three teams: red, blue and green.


Our afternoon started with some athletics, tennis and curling. Blue team thoroughly enjoyed their time curling. This activity was also a first for me and it quickly became one of my favourites! We then all got ready and put on our waterproofs to head to Loch Insh for water sports and archery, followed by a lovely evening dinner! Blue team started off with water sports where everyone got the choice of kayaking, canoeing or paddleboarding. I joined in and got in a kayak for the very first time too and it was an amazing experience. By the time our session for water sports had finished, some of the kids were in the water swimming and I was soaked from being splashed so many times! We then got dried off and changed before tucking into a yummy dinner – I went for a veggie burger followed by some delicious sticky toffee pudding.

After dinner we had our last activity of the day, archery. It was wonderful to see the kids all helping each other, with adaptations being made to ensure everyone could participate. Having group members with a sight impairment taught the kids to use their words and guide their fellow campers for each activity, which really brought the group together!  

We then headed back to the camp. As it was quite late, we went straight to our lodges and got cosy before enjoying some tasty hot chocolate before bed. We had an absolutely amazing first day, and everyone seemed to gel really well together.

Photo of the Blue Team from the SDS Summer Camp

Day two started with an early rise to get breakfast and lunch prepared in our lodge. Campers were encouraged to be independent and help each other, and the girls in my lodge did exactly that! We then set out to meet everyone else and split into our teams. The morning began with some boccia, goalball and football. It was great to see the children find activities that they really enjoyed and try so many new sports!

We then travelled to Glenmore Lodge where we ate our packed lunches before setting of on our expedition to the Green Loch. Not only was this challenging for the kids, but it was also challenging for me. With such busy days of activities, I was in a lot of pain however seeing the motivation from all the kids and the sheer determination shown from the campers was a big help in keeping me going too. Everyone worked so well as a team, making sure we all made it to the beautiful Green Loch and I couldn’t be prouder of my team.

After completing our expedition, everyone returned to Badaguish Outdoor Centre and tucked into some well-deserved dinner of fajitas or macaroni! We then had a fun filled evening enjoying an array of activities across the lodges from nail painting and hair art to uno and karaoke, there was something for everyone!                                                                             

Our last day of camp started with an early rise. We had breakfast in our lodges before packing up to head home that afternoon. Back in our teams we had the chance to try out some cycling with some amazing adaptable bikes. This was definitely one of the top activities of the week with everyone having massive smiles across their faces. This was followed by the famous camp De Courcy games, the final team activity before the announcement of the John De Courcy Trophy! This involved the team listening closely and working together to complete a series of obstacle courses in a limited time.

Before announcing the winners of this years camp, parents joined their kids for a tasty camp BBQ. After everyone was fed, we gathered to announce this year’s camp winners, BLUE TEAM!!! To be part of the winning team for my first camp volunteering was the cherry on the cake. What an amazing week with some truly amazing kids – this experience couldn’t have been any better.

Group photo of campers from the SDS Summer Camp 2024. They are standing outside on the grass

Photo of the Disability Pride Month flag, which is a multicoloured block of stripes going from the top left to bottom right. The colours are red, yellow, white, blue and green. The background is a charcoal black. The SDS logo is in the top right corner.

Disability Pride Month Should be Celebrated Year-Round

By William Moncrieff, Communications Apprentice

Disability Pride Month 2024 is taking place throughout the month of July. This month is an opportunity for individuals with a disability to have a chance to come together and tell their stories. Disability Pride Month is about a lot more than showcasing what having a disability means. It is an opportunity to showcase the day-to-day struggles, achievements, bouts of resilience and life changing experiences that individuals with a disability often have. With one quarter of the Scottish population having a disability, Scottish Disability Sport view it as being paramount that there is accurate representation throughout staff and the Young Person’s Sport Panel (YPSP). 

The Disability Pride Month flag is made up of different colours that represent a different disability. Yellow is being used to celebrate neurodiversity, cognitive and intellectual disabilities. 

Yellow represents both Ruby and Grace, two members of the YPSP, and here they share a bit about themselves.  

Ruby: Hi my name is Ruby. I am 17 years old, and I have Foetal Alcohol Syndrome which is also known as FASD.  This means I have a learning/hidden disability. I joined the Young Person’s Sports Panel to show people that they shouldn’t be ashamed of having a disability.  It makes you unique and different to everyone else.   I would like to help make a difference, not just in disability sport but in the wider community. My disability impacts my life with my reading and writing and understanding.  I sometimes need help and support. The most exciting thing that my disability has done for me is allowed me to be me.  I am a very sociable person and like helping people.  I do lots of volunteer work, which allows me to help people of all abilities.  I have won lots of awards for this and had the opportunity to meet lots of my sporting idols. 

Grace: Happy Disability Pride Month! My name is Grace, and I am going to be talking a little bit about my experiences as a disabled young person. I have autism, a neurodevelopmental condition (also referred to as neurodivergence) which means that my brain works differently. It impacts most of my life, and I struggle with: emotional regulation, processing information, sensory issues, anxiety around uncertainty and social situations. 

As an autistic person, I mask a lot. Masking is when a person attempts to hide their autistic traits, to fit in or be more accepted by society. This means that from an outside perspective it might not look like my disability impacts me in day-to-day life – but it does. The main ways my disability impacts me in day-to-day life is by needing a lot of support from people to help manage my emotions and learn to be independent. I also get really tired a lot of the time. Because I spend a lot of my time masking, feeling anxious, or getting overwhelmed by everything going on around me, I get drained pretty easily – so I need a lot of time to rest and recuperate.  

I wasn’t diagnosed with autism until I was 16. This means that I spent most of my teenage years thinking something was “wrong” with me, or that I wasn’t “trying hard enough.” Getting my autism diagnosis brought up a lot of emotions – relief, confusion, anger – and it was a lot to get my head around. I had to show resilience when dealing with my diagnosis and working to accept my autism. It was hard to cope with all the things that changed after my diagnosis, however it also allowed me to advocate for myself. Whilst autism is a disability – one that can make my life harder – it is also something I am proud of. Autism makes me who I am, and I take pride in my identity. 


I wanted to join the YPSP because I knew how positive sport has been in my life. I wanted to promote inclusion in sport for autistic people, and I am also passionate about equality for women and girls in sport. I have been successful in this so far by being a part of the “awareness raising” subgroup and posting of social media throughout “women and girls in sport” month. I have really enjoyed my time on the panel so far, and I can’t wait to see what’s to come! 


Red represents physical disabilities.  

Charlotte (YPSP member): Hey, my name is Charlotte and I am 18! My disability is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Functional Neurological Disorder. This basically means that my brain is not communicating with my right leg and I have pain in my right hip and my leg is extended out in front with my foot at a 90° angle. 

I am part of the events subgroup (in the YPSP), and we are in the process of planning our own event! I joined the panel to have a voice in disability sport and start my coaching career as having a disability was quite new to me. I am a wheelchair user with my right leg supported out. Having my disability can impact my day-to-day life, as if I am going out coaching and my parents aren’t around to help drop me off it means I need to get lifts off people, as public transport is not that accessible for me! I find ways around this by planning my day so I am in one area all day and can wheel from building to building for coaching! 

I became disabled 3 years ago and did not have a clue what to do with myself! But since then I have had lots of new and exciting opportunities. For example, going to Lords cricket ground, in London, with my old high school to take part in a table cricket final! I also have become a valued member of FVDS supporting clubs, activities  and events. I have also joined the committee as the social media/comms rep, and I’m looking forward to getting stuck in and promoting all the wonderful events and activities on social media! Becoming Young Volunteer of the Year 2023 was such a great surprise. Working with Cricket Scotland and Cricket Forth Valley to develop myself as a coach and gain qualifications to become a cricket coach has allowed me to teach others table cricket and help them on their journey. Volunteering with Falkirk Active Schools supporting lunch time and after school clubs and events has been a great opportunity, as has Helping Falkirk Active Schools and Active Stirling with summers camps and developing relationships with the children. Just gaining valuable skills and knowledge to become a better coach and help others enjoy sport has been great. I have had the privilege of attending SDS events and supporting the amazing team and getting stuck in wherever I am needed to help the event become a success. These opportunities have also created lasting memories and friendships with people I volunteer, support and coach with. I recently qualified as a Sport Education Tutor thanks to an opportunity through the panel and I’m looking forward to starting this and helping others achieve their goals and potential. 


Green represents sensory disabilities – 

William (SDS Communications Apprentice): Hello, my name is William and I am the communications apprentice here at Scottish Disability Sport. I became completely blind as well as deaf in my right ear when I was 19. This happened after a sudden illness. At times being Visually Impaired can be very hard. I especially find this to be the case when focusing on my independence. Due to myself being completely able bodied before I lost my sight and hearing this has a been a big change in my life. Before I lost my sight I played a lot of sport, did a lot of recreational activities by myself and could drive. Obviously I took some time to adjust, which I am still doing. However, I feel like I have made big improvements. I feel like I am a lot more comfortable asking for help and more importantly taking it. In life people are always wanting to help, but people aren’t always wanting to be helped, and this is something I am working on. 

One really exciting thing that has happened to me is joining the Millimeters to Mountains organisation (M2M). This organisation takes young people with a disability – particular individuals that have picked up their disability in later life and aims to use the outdoors as an opportunity to redefine what is possible in life. This has led to me having some really cool opportunities, such as climbing Ben Nevis in March. This was something that was great for me, putting me out of my comfort zone and forcing me to interact with new individuals that I could relate to. Over the next two and a half years I am going to have some great opportunities with the M2M crew, which I can’t wait to explore, develop and share. 


White represents hidden and undiagnosed disabilities – 

Dana (YSPS member): Hi, my name is Dana! I have hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS) and fibromyalgia, both of which are chronic health conditions. hEDS is a connective tissue disorder caused by faulty collagen, making it weak and stretchy. This affects everything from my skin and tendons to my blood vessels and internal organs. As a result, I experience things like chronic pain and fatigue, frequent joint subluxations/dislocations, easy bruising, digestive issues, and chronic headaches/migraines. Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and cognitive difficulties. 

I joined the panel to be a voice for change. Having been heavily involved in sports my whole life, I have gained firsthand experience of the benefits of physical activity and sports whilst also encountering many barriers to participation. Until last year, I knew very little about disability sports and how to get involved. Joining the YPSP has given me the chance to be part of a subgroup where we aim to raise the profile of disability sports and shine a light on the many opportunities and experiences that exist in Scotland for disabled people. 

Living with hEDS takes a lot of planning and prioritizing. Everything takes up energy, so adapting my daily routine and having a support system is essential for me to maintain independence and have a life. Having an invisible disability also means I constantly have to advocate for myself and the support I may need. The lack of understanding about dynamic disabilities can cause a lot of anxiety. While it may seem confusing that yesterday I could walk and today I need a wheelchair, it is merely just because my needs have changed. 

I grew up as a competitive swimmer with the dream of reaching the Olympics. When my health deteriorated and the injuries piled up, doctors advised me to reduce training and stop competing. This shift in my daily routine had a massive impact on my mental health and I struggled to adjust to a new normal. With some support and advice, I realized this wasn’t the only option. I worked hard to get into university to stay connected to sports through my degree. I then used my passion for inclusion in my dissertation and I now use my experiences to support and advocate for others. Whilst having an unpredictable illness can make life challenging, it is important to try and see lost goals as new opportunities. 


The colour blue represents mental and psychiatric disabilities – 

Former Paralympian, Maria Lyle, has opened upabout her mental health journey as an elite athlete, over recent years.  

Maria has found sport to be something that has helped her have a more positive relationship with her mental health. “Something that sport has provided is that kind of social support. Being a disabled person, I’m not always around other people who I can relate to, so having people in my team with the same condition, or with other disabilities means we can share experiences and advice and really open up, which has been brilliant”, said Maria in a previous SDS interview.  

The social aspect of sport is a big part for many individuals participating in sport. A further coping mechanism for Maria is, “making sure I’ve balance in my life. Putting energy into other hobbies, education, work and friends. So when say if one thing isn’t going the way you want it to then you’ve got other options to make everything else more positive.” 


Although Disability Pride Month only takes place in July, it is important that we advocate for inclusion and continue these conversations every day. With 722 charges being reported with an aggravation of prejudice relating to disabilities in 2022-2023, (a 3% increase from 2021-2022) this very much outlines the need for more awareness to breakdown societal barriers. (Source: 

SDS celebrates and advocates for a more inclusive and diverse society, every day, and SDS will be joining in the nationwide celebration of Scottish Disability Sport Week (SDSW) from Monday 25th November to Sunday 1st December – just ahead of International Day of Persons with a Disability on the 3rd. Scottish Disability Sport Week will be a prime opportunity for individuals to join conversations and talk about challenges and achievements of individuals with a disability. More information about the 2024 SDSW will be coming soon, via the SDS website and social media channels. 

Photo of Alison Peasgood with her fist in the air

Alison Peasgood and Brooke Gillies (guide) Make ParalympicsGB Para Triathlon Squad

ParalympicsGB announces largest ever Para triathlon squad for Paris 2024

The team of eleven Para triathletes and three guides will compete in Paris on Sunday 1 and Monday 2 September on what will be a truly iconic course in the heart of the French capital.

Alison Peasgood and her guide, Brooke Gillies, will be representing Scotland in the squad.

Peasgood, who won silver at the Rio 2016 Paralympics (women’s PTVI classification) and finished fourth at the last summer Games in Tokyo, will be racing in Paris having given birth to her first child in August 2023, with Gillies making her Games debut.

Looking ahead to her third Games, Peasgood commented: “It’s been such an emotional rollercoaster to get to this point of qualifying for my third Games. When I was holding my tiny baby in my arms last August, I didn’t know how it was all going to be possible.

“It’s taken a village to get me to this point and I’m grateful to all of them for their support. I am looking forward to representing ParalympicsGB alongside my amazing guide Brooke. Not sure what my son Logan will make of it all, but I hope one day he will be proud to have been part of this journey with me.”

Peasgood and Gillies will be in action in the women’s PTVI (Vision Impaired), on Monday 2nd September.

Joining Peasgood and Gillies will be Tokyo champion Lauren Steadman (Women’s PTS5), who’ll be looking to defend her title, whilst in the same classification Claire Cashmore will represent ParalympicsGB for the sixth time in search of her tenth medal. Cashmore came home from Tokyo with bronze from her first Games as a Para triathlete having previously competed in Para swimming.

Speaking on her fifth Paralympic Games selection, Steadman said: “It feels super exciting to be selected for my fifth Games. I am very honoured to fly the flag for British Triathlon and ParalympicsGB again and will do everything within my power to defend my gold medal.

“It’s just really exciting that if there was a little Lauren who was 14 years old starting her journey again, how proud she would be of the Lauren stepping up to go and race in Paris.

“I’m very, very excited and I hope that the legacy I can leave behind is not just of great sporting achievements but also that if anyone who dares to believe, dares to dream, they can have the career that they’d love to.”

Six-time world champion, Dave Ellis (Men’s PTVI), will race with long-term guide Luke Pollard with the pair looking to add to their World and Commonwealth champion status having suffered a DNF as a result of a mechanical failure on their bike in Tokyo.

Michael Taylor (Men’s PTS4) will also return having finished seventh in Tokyo, whilst Mel Nicholls (Women’s PTWC) will compete in her third Paralympic Games and her first since moving into Para triathlon. Nicholls has previously represented ParalympicsGB in Para athletics and only switched to Para triathlon in 2022.

Another athlete new to the sport who has made the ParalympicsGB team for Paris is Henry Urand (Men’s PTS3). The Loughborough University student made the transition from Para cycling to Para triathlon in 2023 and has qualified for his first Paralympic Games having finished first or second in five of his six international races in the last 12 months.

Speaking on being selected for his first Games, Urand said: “I am honoured to be selected as a part of the Para triathlon team heading out to Paris. It feels surreal at the moment, and not something I thought was possible when I switched to triathlon 15 months ago.

“It means so much being able to go to Paris and showcase Para sport to the world stage. It is extra special that it is a Games that is close to home, where family and friends can come and watch.”

Also making their Games debuts in Paris will be Finley Jakes (Men’s PTS4), Hannah Moore and Megan Richter (both Women’s PTS4), and Oscar Kelly and his guide Charlie Harding in the men’s PTVI classification.

Kelly and Harding also teamed up to represent England at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, with Moore and Richter sharing six medals between them so far this year. Jakes has developed through the British Triathlon system, progressing from taking part in a Talent ID Day, through the pathway and onto the World Class Programme to reach his first Paralympic Games.

Tom Hodgkinson, Head of Paratriathlon at British Triathlon, said of the squad: “To be able to take a large and talented team of athletes and guides to Paris is incredibly exciting for me, British Triathlon and the sport in Britain.

“Across the team we’ve got stories of success, comebacks and personal triumphs. Lauren coming back into the team having taken time away to start her PhD, Alison returning as a mother, and Dave and Luke returning to the top of the sport again after some bad luck in Tokyo really show the people behind the results.

“We’ve also got a strong cohort of athletes who’ve put performances together throughout 2024 to secure qualification. There were a lot of challenges last year which have been overcome and the character demonstrated puts us as a team in a good place moving forwards.

“Everyone in the squad has a fantastic story to tell of this cycle and with a team of people behind them who have helped get them to this point. The coming weeks from our holding camp in France and through to Paris will be an amazing next chapter in those stories and I’m looking forward to shaping and sharing the experience with the selected athletes of ParalympicsGB for Paris 2024.”

Penny Briscoe, ParalympicsGB Chef de Mission for Paris 2024 said: “I want to congratulate every athlete and guide on this selection milestone as part of the biggest Para triathlon squad to ever represent ParalympicsGB. With the experience of athletes such as Lauren Steadman, Claire Cashmore and Dave Ellis combined with some exciting ParalympicsGB debutants this is further proof of the breadth of talent we have across a diverse range of sports as we head towards Paris 2024.”

At Tokyo 2020, ParalympicsGB won medals across a record breaking 18 different sports – the highest number of any nation ever. ParalympicsGB finished second on the medal table with 124 medals overall, including 41 gold, 38 silver and 45 bronze.


Sunday 1 September (PTS2-5)

Lauren Steadman (PTS5)  – From Peterborough, Trains in London

Claire Cashmore (PTS5)  – From Kidderminster, Trains in Loughborough

Michael Taylor (PTS4) – From Barnstaple, Trains in Bristol/Bath

Finley Jakes (PTS4) – From Eastbourne, Trains in Loughborough

Megan Richter (PTS4) – From Birmingham, Trains in Birmingham

Hannah Moore (PTS4)  – from Stalbridge, Trains in Loughborough

Henry Urand (PTS3) – from Ashford, Trains in Loughborough


Monday 2 September (PTVI & PTWC)

Dave Ellis (PTVI) – From Derby, Trains in Loughborough

Luke Pollard (guide to Dave Ellis) – From Telford, Trains in Loughborough

Alison Peasgood (PTVI) – From Dunfermline, Trains in Loughborough

Brooke Gillies (guide to Alison Peasgood) – from Fife, Trains in Loughborough

Oscar Kelly (PTVI) – From Redbridge, Trains in Loughborough

Charlie Harding (guide to Oscar Kelly) – From Penrith, Trains in Nottingham

Mel Nicholls (PTWC) – From Tewkesbury, Trains in Tewkesbury/Loughborough

ParalympicsGB Archery Team Photo

Archery’s Nathan Macqueen Selected for his Third Paralympic Games

ParalympicsGB announces archery squad for Paris 2024

Scotland’s Nathan Macqueen is preparing to pack his bags as he’s heading off to compete in his third Games – the Paris 2024 Paralympics. 

Joining him will be Tokyo 2020 gold medallist Phoebe Paterson Pine and Jodie Grinham, who will be 28 weeks pregnant when competing at Paris 2024, will be representing ParalympicsGB for the second time. They are joined by Victoria Kingstone who will make her Paralympic debut in the French capital.

Macqueen, 33, made his Paralympic debut at Rio 2016 just months after his first international competition. The Scot, who lives in Dumfries, is the current world number two.

Macqueen said: “I’m really excited to be selected in what will be my third Paralympic Games. Taking part in three consecutive Games has not been easy by any means, but I want to keep going and become the Scottish Paralympian with the most Paralympic appearances.

“In comparison to previous Games it feels more real. Tokyo was what it was because of the way the world was at the time. I’m absolutely buzzing to be heading to Paris.

“My wife, son and lots of my family will all be coming to watch which will be brilliant. In terms of aspirations, you always want to win a medal. I don’t care what colour it is but just to be able to give my little boy a medal would be very cool.”

Paterson Pine said: “Just making Tokyo was an absolute dream come true so to be selected for my second Games as well is like one goal after another coming true!

“I’m also grateful the Games are so close to home this time, not only from a travel perspective but also being able to have my family and friends come and watch. Tokyo felt quite isolating at times, so being able to have them all come and support and see them and have a hug if needed is so important.

“I want to treat every single Games as a separate Games. I will always be Tokyo 2020 Paralympic champion; nobody can take that away from me. Do I want to be Paris 2024 Paralympic champion – of course I do – but I’m not going to put that pressure on myself. I’m 26-years old, I want to go out there, enjoy the experience and enjoy being a two-time Paralympian.”

Grinham, who hails from Haverfordwest in Wales and now lives in Crawley, Sussex, won silver in the Compound Mixed Team event at Rio 2016. She will be 28 weeks pregnant when she competes in Paris, which is thought to be a first for any Paralympian competing for Great Britain.

The 30-year-old said: “It’s a very different experience for me this time around. You’ve got the athlete in me who’s relieved, excited and extremely prepared and then you’ve also got the mummy in me that’s going to miss home, miss my son and will be 28 weeks pregnant when competing in Paris. It’s all about creating a balance – as much as I know I’m going to miss home; I also love what I do so there’s always going to be a compromise.

“I can say I’ve been in the Paralympic family for eight years now and it really is family – we all support each other regardless of what we’ve gone through.

“I would love to bring a medal back like I did in Rio. To get on the podium, not just for myself and the performances I’ve done, but for women to show you can compete while pregnant and do well.”

The four archers were officially announced by ParalympicsGB at an event at Lilleshall National Sports Centre, the home of Archery GB, and the location of the recently opened Performance Archery Centre where the team have been training in the run up to Paris. The event, part of an international camp with visiting athletes from France, Finland, Hungary and Ireland, also saw children from local schools invited to meet the athletes and have a go at archery.

Completing the squad is Paralympic debutant Victoria Kingstone, originally from Rainham in Kent and now living in Camberley, Surrey, who will compete in the W1 Open category.

The 42-year-old, who won mixed team bronze at the 2023 European Para Championships said: “I just missed out on Tokyo but I’m looking forward to Paris, albeit a little nervous too. The closer it gets the more you realise the scale it is going to be and it’s daunting but it’s about getting the balance right, focusing on just delivering the best performance you can give. Preparations are going well, but with it being my first Games I haven’t got anything to compare it to. I don’t know how I’m going to perform but particularly in my category anything is possible!

“Being so close to home it almost feels like a home Games. My family is from Kent so they’re hoping to come over and watch me compete which will be really nice, and even those that aren’t able to travel, the minimal time difference will make it a lot easier for everyone to watch.”

ParalympicsGB Chef de Mission Penny Briscoe said: “I’m absolutely delighted to welcome our four Para archers to the ParalympicsGB team for Paris 2024. Nathan, Phoebe and Jodie all have fantastic Paralympic experience behind them and I know as a group will lead the way when it comes to sharing that Paralympic journey with Victoria as she makes her Paralympic debut in Paris.

“I’m especially pleased for Jodie who has been selected to compete for ParalympicsGB as an expectant mum – a first for ParalympicsGB and news we were delighted to learn. ParalympicsGB has been in close contact with the support team at Archery GB as well as colleagues at the UK Sports Institute to ensure Jodie is well looked after at the Games and I know she has been thorough in her preparations too.”

Rachel Bayley, Paralympic Team Leader, said: “I’m proud of the whole team. They’ve all worked so hard to get to where they are today. We have some with pedigree from past Paralympics, some that perhaps have some unfinished business, one debutant and some silverware from recent international competitions which is really positive. Whilst we don’t like to talk specifically about medal outcome, I’m very aware of what this team is capable of and so are they.

“Every team that’s going to be in Paris is going to be very competitive and we will be too. I’m confident we’ve got the ability to be there and compete and hopefully that will deliver some success.”

A total of around 220 athletes from 19 sports are expected to make up the British team that will compete in Paris.

At Tokyo 2020, ParalympicsGB won medals across a record breaking 18 different sports – the highest number of any nation ever. ParalympicsGB finished second on the medal table with 124 medals overall, including 41 gold, 38 silver and 45 bronze.

Full Archery squad:

Nathan Macqueen – Compound Men Open

Jodie Grinham – Compound Women Open

Phoebe Paterson Pine – Compound Women Open

Victoria Kingstone – Women WI

Photo of Wizzy Mills kneeling on the ground holding a hoopla hoop

SDS Welcomes Elizabeth Mills as New Regional Development Manager for Grampian and Shetland

“Summer Camp was one of the best experiences I’ve had.”  – Meet the new Regional Development Manager for Grampian and Shetland, Elizabeth (Wizzy) Mills.

By William Moncrieff, Communications Apprentice  

Elizabeth (Wizzy) Mills joined SDS’s Regional Development team as Manager for Grampian and Shetland region, in early June.  

Wizzy lives in Aberdeen after graduating from Robert Gordon University with a degree in Sport Science. Wizzy saw the job advertisement at SDS as a great personal development opportunity, stating: “I wanted to push myself out there and make my own knowledge better.” 

Wizzy has always been a sport enthusiast and she even volunteers as the Head Coach for the first and second Netball teams at Robert Gordon University.

Prior to starting the post at SDS, Wizzy had taken part in other forms of volunteering. This included helping out with boccia at the Grampian Parasport Festival, through her Coaching and Development HND at North Eastern Scottish College.

“I loved it. I helped out at the boccia session and it was amazing. I loved it so much”, said Wizzy.

It’s gone full circle for Wizzy, as now, “I am going to be running my own (Parasport Festivals). It’s crazy to think about, just three years ago I attended one and now I’m running it myself.”

The Grampian Parasport Festival will be taking place on Friday the 27th of September 2024 and will be held once again, at the Aberdeen Sports Village.

Not even two weeks ago, Wizzy was volunteering at the SDS Summer Camp and she believes that this experience will help guide her as she prepares for her Parasport Festival. 

“After Summer Camp it has really driven me to make the Parasport Festival even bigger and have even more opportunities for the children. I just cannot wait to see the smiles on their faces when they are trying something new for the first time”, said Wizzy.

Wizzy was a key member of the staff team at the Summer Camp, which was held at Badaguish (Aviemore) from the 10th to 12th of July. This was something that she found to be extremely meaningful.

“Summer Camp was one of the best experiences I’ve had. To see all of the children adventuring and trying new things and really pushing themselves is something I will really remember for a long time”, said Wizzy. 

When reflecting on some of her best memories she said, “The biggest highlight of the camp was making breakfast in the morning. Even though there was porridge and juice everywhere, the children were adamant they wanted do it all by themselves, which was amazing to see.”  

Now that Wizzy has settled more into her post as Regional Development Manager, she has found that she is enjoying getting out into the field.

“I’ve really enjoyed seeing the range of each participant. It’s just great. I met an individual with cerebral palsy, and I went to one of his frame running sessions. Just seeing what he was able to do was absolutely amazing”, explained Wizzy. 

To find our more about the opportunities to get active in your region, please contact your Regional Development Manager.

To find out more about the opportunities available in the Grampian and Shetland region, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Wizzy or connect with the Branches for Grampian and Shetland

Group photo of campers from the SDS Summer Camp 2024. They are standing outside on the grass

Summer Camp 2024: A Special Thanks From SDS

By William Moncrieff, Communications Apprentice 

It’s crazy to think that two weeks ago, bags were being packed for 27 participants and 26 members of staff in preparation for Scottish Disability Sport’s Summer Camp. No one could have predicted the immense amount of fun and adventures that were to come!   

SDS’s annual Summer Camp was held at Badaguish outdoor center, located just outside of Aviemore in the center of the Highlands. The camp provided a scenic setting which everyone called home over the week. 

The Camp was action packed. Providing all campers with loads of exciting opportunities including curling, athletics, tennis, water sports, archery, boccia, football, goalball, cycling, obstacle courses and an expedition to the Green Loch. 

Hopefully, campers left camp with some great memories, shared with new and old friends. Maybe some will also continue to participate in one of the sports they tried at camp! 

One thing is for certain – it wouldn’t have been possible without the support from some key people and organisations. Therefore, SDS would like to express thanks to:  

Dundee Dragons, for the use of their van. The van was vital in helping participants travel from the camp to Loch Inch to try out a range of water sports, as well as transporting campers to Glenmore Outdoor Centre where they could begin their expedition to the Green Loch.  

A special mention to Graham MacBain for driving all the Campers and Staff around safely, ensuring we always arrived at our location. 

A lot of effort is put in behind the scenes in summer camp production and organisation. Scottish Disability Sport are incredibly grateful to MBM Health Care for the use of their hoists and shower chairs, alongside David Hill from Castle Semple Centre for lending us the use of the Aquabacs. 

Many thanks to Scottish Curling, Able to Adventure, Highland Cycle Ability Centre and Loch Inch. Their support and involvement provided the campers with a wide variety of fun and engaging activities – opportunities that many would not have had access to beforehand.  

Finally, a shoutout to Badaguish Outdoor Centre for hosting us for the week. The camp was the perfect base to come back to in between activities and at the end of an action packed the day. 

Photo of a table with lots of trophies on it

SDS Annual Awards 2024

Awards Nomination Form 2024

The Awards Panel will then meet to consider all applications and decide the winner for each category in advance of the presentations at the AGM on Sunday 6th October 2024.  

A list of former award winners can be seen on our website here: 

All nominations should be returned in confidence, before Friday 13th September 2024, to

Alternatively the Awards Nomination Form can be completed online here: Scottish Disability Sport Annual Awards 2024

Poster that is split with text and a photo. The photo on the right is of a young boy smiling and participating in sport. The text is on the left and says, get out get active impact report: supporting healthier, happier and more active lives.

Thousand More Active Thanks to the Power of GOGA

Get Out Get Active (GOGA) has released its latest impact report, showing thousands of people across the UK have been given the opportunity to be active thanks to the programme.

Designed to support disabled and non-disabled people to enjoy being active together, GOGA has reached more than 55,000 people since its inception in 2016.

Funded by Spirit of 2012, Sport England and London Marathon Foundation, with Activity Alliance as the creator and lead partner, it has transformed people’s lives. From swimming clubs in the south of England to walking groups in Northern Ireland there have been 3,331 activities and interventions in its seven years.

It strengthens communities, with six in 10 GOGA participants saying they are now more connected within their community. Seven in 10 have continued to be active and maintained their activity levels outside of the GOGA programme.

In Scotland, GOGA Tayside is a collaboration between NHS Tayside and Scottish Disability Sport with the unique opportunity and approach to strengthening links between physical activity and health.

“GOGA provides fun, free and inclusive activities with the aims of improving health, self-esteem, mood and energy levels, whilst fostering community connectedness,” – GOGA Tayside.

GOGA Tayside is now proudly funded by Tayside Health Fund from October 2023.

As well as participants there have been more than 4,000 volunteers engaged at sessions, with almost three in 10 volunteers having a disability.

Adam Blaze, CEO of Activity Alliance said:

“Get Out Get Active proves time and again how inclusive activity can benefit people across the UK in more ways than just becoming active. As the creator and lead partner it perfectly encapsulates ways to achieve our vision of fairness for disabled people in sport and activity.

“By focussing on creative and innovative ways to engage people GOGA is leading the way. A flexible and fearless approach to trying and testing new activities has led to remarkable results.

The impact on individuals and communities has been incredibly rewarding to see. With local expertise thousands of the least active people in society have been given a chance to enjoy a happier and healthier life. GOGA uses activity for good and we can’t underestimate the impact of the programme.”

Ruth Hollis, Chief Executive at Spirit of 2012, said:

“As the founding and principle funder of Get Out Get Active, Spirit’s largest funded project, we are delighted to share the impact of the programme. GOGA has enabled thousands of people, young and old, disabled and non disabled, to be active together across the UK – focusing on reaching those with the highest barriers to taking part.

“This report shows that GOGA has had a demonstrable impact on the wellbeing and sustaining participation in physical activity for people in communities across the UK. It should be a call to action for others in the physical activity sector or wanting reduce health inequalities to learn from GOGA’s signature person-centred approach in all future programmes that set out to tackle inactivity.

“I want to thank the team at Activity Alliance and Wavehill and all those that delivered the programme across the UK for delivering this to the people that need it most.”

Whilst aiming to get some of the UK’s least active people moving more, the financial benefits are brought to life in the latest impact report. It shows that for every £1 invested, GOGA has delivered more than £4.60 in social, environmental, and economic value.

The report showcases the insight gathered throughout GOGA’s lifetime, providing valuable information for those that want to mirror the successes seen. It shows that GOGA has become much more than an activity programme. It is an approach to helping organisations and communities, across the UK, to support the least active disabled and non-disabled people in activity.

You can read the full Get Out Get Active Impact report on the Get Out Get Active website here.

Red Team Blog

Day Two: was another fun day! We started it off playing boccia, goalball and football, the latter which was definitely a group favourite! After lunch, we trekked around 5km to do a circular route to/from the Green Loch. It was quite tough in places – we had to climb a few hills but we rose to the challenge and had a great time! 

We were set some team tasks to complete on the expedition, one being to come up with a team song or chant. Ours was: “Red team is on fire!” Alicia Keys eat your heart out! 


Day Three: That’s a wrap on camp! And what a way to bring it to a close with a BBQ in the sun with our families and carers! Just after the BBQ we got a group photo and then it was the prize giving ceremony – to find out which team won the John De Courcy Trophy. With 8601 points we sealed second place, not far behind the blue team who won the trophy with 8937 points. We’re very proud of ourselves and can leave camp with our heads held high. 

On our final day, before lunch, we enjoyed adaptive cycling and taking part in the summer camp assault course. The cycling was fun, as you could go very fast on the bikes! We kept up the same momentum in the assault course – trying to complete it faster than both the green and blue teams.  

It’s been a whirlwind three days and we’re leaving camp with new friendships and lasting memories. We’re already buzzing for Summer Camp 2025! 


Group photo of children at summer camp that were in team red. They are standing and sitting next to their red team flag that they designed

Group photo of the Red Team, they are smiling and standing in front of the Green Loch

Photo of a group of children in a forest, trying to spell the word red, with their bodies

Photo of a young lady sitting in a wheelchair playing football

Photo of a young boy walking in a forest with a midgie net over his head

Photo of two girls from behind looking out towards the Green Loch

Green Team Blog

Day Two: we loved day two! It was great fun playing different sports in the morning, especially boccia where we got to practice are target skills. In the afternoon we travelled to Glenmore Lodge where we started and ended our expedition to the Green Loch. We had to push ourselves as some of the terrain was quite challenging but we found that singing helped! We even created a cool chant for our team: 

“Captain Moss went up the hill to find the lost Green Team, 

They went to the Green Loch and found the flock, 

And the rest of the summer camp teams!” 


Day Three: We’re so sad that camp is over! But we’re leaving with an abundance of great memories and friendships! 

On the final day, after packing and breakfast, we headed to the sports hall where we got to take part in a summer camp assault course and adaptive cycling. Both were lots of fun but the cycling especially! It was super cool to try adaptive bikes that could go really fast. A few of us will definitely want to try it again! 

After the morning’s sport activities, our families and carers started to arrive – just in time for the BBQ. It was a great opportunity to show them our new friends and share some stories from the past three days.  

After we got a big group photo, Josh from SDS, announced the winners of the John De Courcy Trophy. It was a very close competition but the blue team took the title, with us proudly finishing in third place.  

Summer Camp was amazing and we already can’t wait for next year!  


Group photo of the green team

Group photo of the Green Team. They are standing, smiling to the camera with the Green Loch behind them

Photo of a young girl playing goalball. She is blindfolded and is trying to get a good grip of the ball.

Photo of a young girl smiling towards the camer holding her team's green mascot. The mascot is a green hat.