Month: April 2020

Scottish Disability Sport Young Persons Quiz Night
On Thursday 2 April, SDS held its very first general knowledge virtual quiz with members of the Young Persons Sport Panel, Young Start Programme and Scottish Boccia Squad. There were 22 teams in total playing to win the title of quiz champion. The winner of the quiz was Scottish Boccia player, Ross Munro, closely followed by Young Start programme member Abby Cook in second position and Colette Martin from the Young persons Sport Panel in third place. It was great to see so many smiley faces during this strange time and fantastic that lots of other family members got involved too.
During these unprecedented times SDS is exploring various ways online to ensure our programmes can continue in some shape or form and make sure the wellbeing of our participants is at the centre of this. Watch out in the coming weeks for more ways in which you can get involved. Roll on the next quiz!

Lothian Disability Sport AGM & Awards
Due to the ongoing situation with Coronavirus, Lothian Disability Sport have decided to postpone our AGM for the time being. However we would still like to invite nominations for our Annual Awards which we will present at a later date.
The aim of the Annual Awards is to recognise individuals and teams who have achieved particular success or achievement in their sport over the previous 12 months. Nominations are welcome in the following categories –
- Young Sports Person Award
- Senior Sports Person Award
- Team / Club Award
- Volunteer / Coach Award
- Endeavour Award
Please find the award nomination form below. Deadline for entries is Friday 29th May 2020. Nominations can be emailed to admin@lothiandisabilitysport.co.uk.
Annual Award Nomination Form 2020
If you have any questions surrounding this information, please contact Jack Brodie on 0788 554 9173 or admin@lothiandisabilitysport.co.uk.

Tayside Regional Round-Up
The Tayside Regional Round-Up is now available with news about recent events including:
- The hugely successful 6th Tayside Parasport Festival
- Dundee United Community Trust goalball session
- Regional competitions in badminton, boccia, swimming, powerchair football, sportshall athletics and many more
- Regional Sports Awards
- Disability Inclusion Training workshops
- Link-up with Scottish Student Sport
You can download the Round-Up here.
If you or anyone you know has a disability and would like to get involved in sport in the Tayside Region, please contact Graeme Doig – graeme.doig@scottishdisabilitysport.com.

Tokyo Paralympic Games: New Dates Confirmed
The Tokyo Olympic Games will start on 23 July, 2021 and run to 8 August after being postponed for a year because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) executive board met on Monday to make the decision.
Full article on the BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/olympics/52091224
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