2019 Tayside Parasport Festival

Scottish Disability Sport welcomed a record number of participants to their Tayside Parasport Festival on Wednesday, 6th March at Dundee and Angus College, Gardyne Campus.

Participation numbers grew by 31% on the previous highest total for the region, and school pupils from P1-S6 with a physical disability or visual / hearing impairment had the opportunity to try out a variety of para-sports including wheelchair basketball, boccia, badminton and tennis in the morning and football, wheelchair rugby, bowls, archery and powerchair football in the afternoon.

This event was delivered in partnership with some fantastic coaches from local community clubs and national governing bodies. These included Dundee Dragons, Tayside Dynamos, Forthill Community Tennis Club, Balgay Bowling Club, Ancrum Archery, Dundee United Para-Football Club along with SGBs for boccia, Bowls Scotland and Badminton Scotland.

The event was also supported by 30 amazing and enthusiastic sports development students from Dundee & Angus College who helped make the day fun and supportive for all taking part.

Thank you as always to the Celtic FC Foundation and BP Coast 2 Coast for their continued support in making these events possible.