2019 Grampian Games Launch

Registrations are now being taken for this year’s Grampian Games, which takes place on Saturday
25th and Sunday 26th May 2019.

A key event in the Grampian Disability Sport calendar, the competitive multi-sport festival provides a fantastic opportunity for athletes and players with all types of disability from across Grampian and beyond to come together & test their skills against each other in a friendly environment.

This year’s event includes opportunities in boccia, table tennis, 10-pin bowling, swimming and bowls, and takes place at various venues throughout Aberdeen City and Shire.

For more information & to download entry forms, please visit:

If you, or someone you know, lives with a physical, sensory or intellectual impairment and would like to get more involved in sport, please get in touch with Alison Shaw (Regional Manager for Scottish Disability Sport) on 07828 744 848 or alison.shaw@scottishdisabilitysport.com.