SDS young persons Sport Panel
First meeting minutes – 15/11/15
 What do we want the YPSP to be?
- Fun
- Make an impression
- Exciting
- Trips
- Raise awareness / promote
- Make a difference
- Perspective
- Athletes have a voice
- Inspiring through inclusion
- Confidence
- Connections to other committees
Next Meeting – Stirling, 25 February, 6-8pm
- Training needs analysis
- Events – who is attending which event
- Agree updated terms of reference
- Strategic plan consultation
- Decide sub-groups within panel
- Make a YPSP facebook page (closed group within SDS)
- Looking into blog
- Be member of local Branch
Feedback on Terms of Reference
 Group 1 – Hope, Collette, Ross
- Group meetings 2-3 times per year
- 3-4 sub groups
- More involvement in schools / colleges / universities – through local Branch
- Representation of YPSP at meetings, within each Branch, SDS, etc.
Group 2 – Alan, Lewis, Caitlyn
- Meet quarterly in order to establish the panel
- Report back to local Branches
- Location: Stirling Uni
- Use social media to contact local athletes
- Create fundraisers
- Use YPSP to give non-key sports a voice, e.g. disability darts
- Giving young people a voice
- Feedback surveys sent to local teams / sports to report back at meetings
- Try to have a representative from the group at para days – to communicate with athletes
Group 3 – Callum, Shelby, Mitch
- Meet every three months (4x per years, 2-3 hours)
- We speak for Branch
- Target sets – open day, increase target groups
- Vision – to get everyone involved